Expo Time Srl

Expo Time Srl

Rozzano, Itália

1 opinião em Neventum Avaliação: 4,25/5

Serviços de Expo Time Srl

  Virtual Stand is born, the new tool that allows you to transfer your stand, your showroom, your company, within a virtual reality. A smart solution to retain, increase and reach your customers anywhere in the world.  Through a 360-degree tour inside this virtual space, the visitor finds the news and, through the interactive info points, can access product sheets, videos, images and get in touch with the company.   We collaborate with various fitters our partners, chosen according to the type of stand desired and the budget available, with the aim of guaranteeing a double result: the best solution at extremely competitive prices. This way of operating guarantees the customer a wide choice that ranges from classic modular fittings to the most elegant creations.

Opiniões sobre Expo Time Srl

Avaliação: 4,25/5 1 review in neventum

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